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Sound Negotiator blog posts

Central Intelligence Agency flag, sound negotiator, ai.

Perception vs perspective

Have you ever felt misunderstood in a negotiation? Or struggled to understand the other party’s viewpoint? The key lies in distinguishing between perception and perspective, just like the CIA does in their intelligence work.

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Chalkboard calculation of 1 + 1 = 3, smartest person, sound negotiator, ai.

The smartest person in the room

True intelligence isn’t about knowing it all—it’s about knowing what you don’t know and having the humility to learn from others. As Socrates wisely said, “The more I know, the more I realize I know nothing.”

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Picture of a dog lying on the ground, looking up, strategy, sound negotiator, ai.

Let sleeping dogs lie?

Sharing bad news is part of many negotiations. In this article, we explore whether to share bad news upfront or wait for the other party to ask about it.

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