Your company has been doing well in recent years, and revenues have skyrocketed. 🚀 However, during the last negotiation with one of your strategic suppliers called Dogsleep Ltd, you made a promise to increase volumes by 10%.
The reason was that by promising volume increases you could mitigate the cost impact brought on by inflation.
Unfortunately, due to a (mild)recession of the economy and demand, the volumes have not grown but dropped compared to last year.
Some suppliers have already approached you about volume predictions, while Dogsleep Ltd, the supplier you offered additional volumes to, has not yet made contact. You are unsure whether to wait for them to contact you or to proactively reach out to Dogsleep Ltd.
Sharing bad news is part of many negotiations. In this article, we explore whether to share bad news upfront or wait for the other party to ask about it.
In this situation, it’s essential to consider the specific circumstances and the relationship you have with Dogsleep Ltd. However, as a general rule, it’s often best to be proactive and address the issue head-on.
Get in touch with us so that we can find out where you are going as a negotiator, team or company. We would like to find out what we can do for you if we decide to collaborate.
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